Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cuantas cosas an pasado corazon

pero hasta ya donde tu te encuentres te aahhh de llegar mi olvido cuando sientas las ganas de verme te areprientas de averme dejado ese dia sin poder hacer nadaa , notaras ke mi olvido a llegado...i love that song..i was just listening to it so i decided to sing it on m blog haha

School is a few days away, i don't know how i feel about it. ughhhh ima really buckle down though and get my shit straight its gonna be a tough semester but i can definitely do it. Hopefully its interesting, my classes i mean.

getting off that subject and on a serious note ive been thinking and i feel like i have to be more religous, like go to church more often and everything bacause God has blessed me with so much and im thankful for it i really am , <3

Sunday, January 2, 2011

my favorite pictures of this past year..

diego babyyy

we dont give a fckk about NO HO :)

when we got back together :) lol

drunk belly dancing with gaby dying on the right haha

bros graddd



my lovely friendsss

bien pedaaaas

the most fun soccer team everr

sums up las damaz de negro lol

halloween 2010





last night of 2010

2010 in a nutshell :)

Hmmm how was my 2010?? , umm I will say it was the bomb! Haha I truly enjoyed this year, thanks to my family and my friends..I'm not going to forget all those bailes I went to con mis damas,becoming champions 3 times! Twice with Panthers and once with Pumas Yee! So many good times I can't even mention them all that'd be too difficult haha..oh and I'll especially remember when I got toooo drunk at el baile de Los tucanes hahaha Omg I drank way too much! Y la caiida heard around the world cuando me di el madraso con Lupita year was made super special because of my girls no lie, Lupita , Jessika , Chely , Mari, Natalie, and Gaby! Without those girls I don't know what I'd do! Haha..this year I did become super paisa I wil admit but hey I finally found un ambiente that feels good to be around:) besides raves...Ohhh the raves!! Omg! Halloween!! Hahaha I was gone! I was lady gaga AGAIN ! Lol but I had a fantastic night..and there's an epic ass video to forever look back on:) oh and this year I got a job! Haha abercrombie & Fitch model haaaay! Besides my party lifestyle that has recently gotten outta control in a good way;) my mommy finally had her dream come true of opening her very own beauty salon..! So proud of her I love my brothers graduated! Which totally motivated me to do good in school..but with all good things comes drama haha no year is ever drama free..I dealt with a very tough breakk upp:/ but I picked myself up and moved on:) this year I experienced love.(I think) haha and what it's like to lose it..but i see it as a good thing because now I'm more aware of what I want from the other person and i won't make the same mistake again. OHHH shitt! NO-HO...spring break in LA was bombbb omg drunk every fcking nighttt with the no-ho crew was so dope..couldnt ever ask for a better group of people to spend a weekend in LA with. I couldnt ask for a better year, now lets see what 2011 brings, a wiiiwiii!!