Thursday, October 7, 2010

blah, blah, blah

you know what i strongly dislike? when people say "o if i had a gay sibling i wouldn't care, that'd be kind of cool" or "if my son or daughter was gay i wouldn't care id support them" Im sorry but you people do not know. You have no idea how you will react to these type of things unless they have been experienced first hand. you would care and you would NOT like it stop pretending you would. ugh, i don't know some people should just really shut up cause its annoying that they think they know everything. Its like you don't know how badly something like that affects a family so just shut up.

The reason i brought this up was because in my human sexuality class we were talking about sexual orientation and some of the other students kept saying the same things. Especially this one girl who said, "I hate it when families don't accept their child or they do not agree with their lifestyle" Its like okay betch not everyone thinks like you and you dont know how it is having to deal with something like that so shut up, por favorrrr. O and just because you have gay friends does not mean you are a fcking saint. This was me venting...goodbye

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